Medical sciences and english for specific purposes in the current context



learning, professional training, communication, medical education, teaching medicine students


The extensive development of science and technology is evident in the accumulation of information in all branches of knowledge, with the support of the English language in the global context. It is the most used language in international communication. The largest volume of medical scientific production is found in English-speaking countries. The University is committed to training professionals with high levels of communicative competence in English for specific purposes, which is essential to achieve a medical professional, capable of interacting in English-speaking professional environments and providing quality services. The improvement of English for specific purposes in Medical Sciences in the current global context guarantees the constant scientific updating of professionals in their field of study and the realization of medical collaborations in English-speaking countries and where the use of this language is required in the professional environment.


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Author Biography

Ana Josefa García Cormenzana, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Mayabeque. Güines

Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa. Máster en Educación Superior. Investigador Agregado. Profesora Auxiliar y Consultante. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Mayabeque. Güines,


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How to Cite

García Cormenzana AJ. Medical sciences and english for specific purposes in the current context. Medimay [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 15 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];31:e2584. Available from:

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