Teaching Material to Develop Listening Comprehension in English Using Technologies
limited english proficiency, competency-based education, comprehension, communication, culturally appropriate technology, education, medicalAbstract
Introduction: Knowledge of the English language, together with information and communication technologies, are indispensable tools today, therefore, the development of adequate communication in this language in medical education is a priority. Objective: To design teaching material for the development of listening comprehension in English, using technologies. Methods: A research in development was carried out, with a mixed approach, at the University of Medical Sciences in Holguín, during the period from February to July 2023. The universe was made up of 600 students enrolled in the first year of the Medicine degree, through a simple random probabilistic sampling, 264 were selected. The dialectical-materialist approach was assumed as a general methodological conception and theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used. Results: 82.57% wanted to learn about listening in English and 86.74% recognized their limitations in understanding and interpreting auditory information. 77.27% stated that the most commonly used audiovisual materials were taken from textbooks and 100% considered the development of teaching tasks necessary. 100% found that the teaching material allows active participation and the development of educational comprehension in students, 86.66% reported that it is applicable. Conclusions: Specialists value the teaching material as adequate for the development of listening comprehension of English in first-year medical students; which has been evidenced in the consolidation of learning.
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Copyright (c) 2025 José Manuel Gamayo Serrano, Samuel Calzadilla Osorio, Aniuska Vidal Pérez, Mayelín Morales González, Rosabel Montes de Oca Peña
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