Delayed Paternity: influence in children´s health



paternity, pregnancy, health, children


Modern reproductive behavior in Cuba and other countries of the world, is characterized by a delay in paternity, due to the increasing of life expectancy, to socioeconomic situations, a higher access to assisted reproduction techniques; among others. Physiological changes related to age, affect the male reproductive system. It has been shown that advanced paternal age is associated to disorders in reproductive hormone levels, decreasing of the testicular and sexual function as well as the production of sperm. Epidemiological studies have evidenced that the advanced paternal age, in the moment of the conception, is associated to a higher risk of novo mutations, which have significant effects in pregnancy and in children. To stimulate an adequate control of the preconception risk , including the stimulation of the conception of pregnancy in optimal ages, constitute a challenge in modern society and a necessity of the children in the future.


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Author Biography

Daniel Quintana Hernández, Hospital Materno Infantil "Manuel Piti Fajardo", Mayabeque.

Doctor en Ciencias Médicas. Especialista de I grado en Medicina General Integral. Especialista de I y II grado en Genética Clínica. Profesor Auxiliar de Genética Médica. Máster en Atención Integral al Niño. Investigador Auxiliar. Centro Provincial de Genética Médica Mayabeque.


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How to Cite

Quintana Hernández D. Delayed Paternity: influence in children´s health. Medimay [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];30(2):132-4. Available from:




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