Clinical-epidemiological and therapeutic characterization of asthmatic patients
bronchial asthma, allergens, triggering factors, persistent asthma, chronic diseaseAbstract
Given the importance of breathing for life, this is the impact of alterations in the respiratory system on people's health and well-being. Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases.
Describe the clinical-epidemiological and therapeutic characteristics of asthmatic patients.
An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the doctor's office No. 3 of the ¨Ramón López Peña¨ Polyclinic, in the period from March 2019 to April 2020. The universe was 108 patients classified as asthmatics, selected by a probabilistic method a sample of 44 being. The variables, age, sex, age of diagnosis, classification of asthma, predisposing and triggering factors, treatment and degree of control of asthma disease were studied. Descriptive statistics were used to process the information.
The female sex predominated with 61.4%, the average age was 45.3 years and 70.4% were diagnosed in childhood. Half classified as moderate persistent asthma; 93.2% had a family history of the affection. The main triggers were household aeroallergens, at 70.5%, infections and intense physical exercise, both at 61.4%.
Bronchial asthma is a more prevalent disease in women and is usually diagnosed during childhood. The most severe forms of asthma are directly related to genetic predisposition, high exposure to allergens and poor adherence to treatment, factors that make the disease difficult to control.
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