Behavior of the achieved results in the Mayabeque Sciences, 2021 Virtual Scientific Event



scientific production, health research, scientific events



Guaranteeing the fulfillment of the investigations in health constitutes a challenge. This topic represents the support for solving scientific, technologic, social, educative and humanistic problems in our society.


To describe the behavior of the results in the Mayabeque Sciences, 2021 Virtual Scientific Event.


A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the Science and Technological Innovation Department , at  Mayabeque Faculty of Medical Sciences from  November 10th, 2020 to  March 23rd , 2021. The universe was formed by   286 paper presentations.


299 people participated and 286 paper presentations were sent, from them, 106 were written by doctors, 26 papers by professionals of other specialties and 103 of Medical Sciences students. The 45.8 % of the sent papers, were original articles and   36.71 % were library researches about updated topics and Scientific innovations; 48 researches were about COVID-19 facing, associated to the development of the System of Information Management, new technologies in function of the population health were 32 papers and 21 about non-transmissible chronic diseases and risks which incise in vascular, cardiac, cerebral and renal affections.


Mayabeque Science, 2021 Virtual Scientific Event shows the capacity that Mayabeque Faculty of Medical Sciences has of transferring university academic intramural environments, to other communicative settings. It is confirmed that Science can be made and the scientific results can be socialized, even in the most difficult circumstances, through a virtual alternative.


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Author Biographies

Damaris Sierra Díaz, Facultad de Cincias Médicas Mayabeque, Güines.

Licenciada en Economía. Profesora Auxiliar. Investigador Agregado. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Mayabeque, Güines.

Mailín Trujillo Rodríguez, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Mayabeque. Güines.

Licenciada en Geografía. Máster en Desarrollo Agrario y Rural Sostenible. Asistente. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Mayabeque. Güines.

Niurka Pérez Báez, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Mayabeque

Licenciada en Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Máster en Enfermedades Infecciosas. Investigador Agregado.Profesora Asistente. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Mayabeque. Güines, Cuba


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How to Cite

Sierra Díaz D, Trujillo Rodríguez M, Pérez Báez N. Behavior of the achieved results in the Mayabeque Sciences, 2021 Virtual Scientific Event. Medimay [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];30(2):213-9. Available from:




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