Postgraduate medical education in COVID-19 pandemic in Mayabeque
infections by coronavirus, qualification, professional training, biosecurityAbstract
Introduction:COVID-19 is an infectious respiratory disease, which can be presented since an asymptomatic condition to a critical pneumonia and it can cause death, it results very important to qualify and train the health personnel to face the pandemic.
To describe the qualifying and training results, developed by the Postgraduate Department at Mayabeque Faculty of Medical Sciences about COVID-19.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, from January 27th, 2020, to March 31st, 2021. The population under study was stratified in occupational profiles, divided into three stages. The studied variables were: occupational category, source of the qualified professionals, qualifying topics, qualified personnel percentage. The information was analyzed through descriptive techniques and the absolute frequency, number of cases and perceptual values.
Results: In the first stage the 97.27 % was qualified, it increased in the second stage to a 98.24 %, until reaching the 100 % of the personnel about biosecurity. In the new normality stage, some of the taught topics were: prevention and treatment of COVID-19, biosecurity, intensive cares, mechanical ventilation and the different versions of behaving protocols.
The qualifying activities allow the training of the health workers and students of Medical Sciences, for guaranteeing the quality of the active searching, as well as other organisms and implied sectors in the facing of the pandemic.
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