Post-COVID-19 syndrome in a patient with VIH. Case report
COVID-19, VIH, síndrome post-COVID-19Abstract
Post-COVID-19 syndrome -19 is studied in the world, because it is a diagnosis that appears two years ago, related to a new disease. This case is presented with the objective to discover the evolution of a patient with VIH and a diagnosis of post-COVID-19 syndrome. A 30-year-old male patient, with personal history of seropositive to VIH is presented. He is confirmed by polymerase with inverse transcriptase chain reaction in real time which was positive to COVID-19. Some days after his discharge, he begins to complain of tiredness, fatigue, and sweating, joint pains, shortness of breath, palpitations and occasional insomnia. The clinical characteristics and the epidemiological history are very important for the diagnosis, infectious processes and other etiologies are discarded. The diagnosis of post-COVID-19 syndrome tends to be delayed. This syndrome affects life quality and job incorporation of patients.
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