Informational alphabetization in medical students
alfabetización informacional, estudiantes, medicina, pregradoAbstract
Introduction:The students of Medical Sciences have insufficient preparation for the searching of information in sources of Infomed.
To implement an intervention about sources of information in Infomed for the achievement of informational alphabetization in the students.
An intervention, quasiexperimental study without control group was carried out, in first year students of Medicine, in the first semester of the course 2018-2019, at Mayabeque Faculty of Medical Sciences. The universe were the students, the selected sample was formed by 65. A survey was applied to determine the level of knowledge and an elective course was developed which was validated by Mayabeque Provincial Information Center of Medical Sciences.
Before the intervention the 63 % evaluated in a wrong way, the resources of Infomed and after the intervention, the 93.8 % do it correctly. Previous the qualification, the75.4 % did not know the Virtual Library of Health and only the 12.5 % used it, after that the 100 % of knowledge was achieved and the 67.6 % acceded; the 87.7 % did not know these resources of information and after the qualifying course, the 100 % achieved the knowledge. The 90.8 % did not know the Virtual Library of Health and only the 66.7 % visited it, after that a 95.4 % of knowledge is achieved and the 73.8 % acceded the service.
The level of knowledge About the resources that Infomed offers are increased and it contributes to the informational alphabetization in the students.
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