Nutritional characterization of operated patients admitted at an Intensive Care Unit
nutrition, critical surgical patien, intensive care unitAbstract
Introduction:It is important to know the nutritional state of operated patients who develop towards a critical status, to diminish the possible complications and mortality.
To characterize the nutritional state of operated patients by general surgery, admitted at an Intensive Care Unit
A prospective, longitudinal, descriptive study was carried out, in operated patients by general surgery, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, at ¨Leopoldito Martínez¨ General Teaching Hospital from January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2019. The universe under study was formed by 126 patients. The studied variables were: age, sex, weight, height, Body mass index, cholesterol, triglycerides, albumin, total proteins, creatinine and total lymphocytes count, at admission and discharge.
The 50-59 age group prevailed in the 19.8 % and the male sex in the 64.3 %. On admission the 50.8 % had normal weight, while on discharge, slight thin patients prevailed in a 55.5 %. On admission the hemochemist variables were within normal limits and on discharge they presented low parameters, except creatinine which was increased in the 67.5 %.
The nutritional state which prevails in operated patients on admission to the Intensive Care Unit is normal weight and on discharge the patients were slightly thin. On admission, hemochemist shows normal values and on discharge it presents low values, except creatinine with a significant increasing
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