Educational presentations about causes and prevention of dental caries in the elderly
older adult, , level of knowledge, oral health, educational presentation.Abstract
Introduction: Educational presentations constitute a suitable resource to enhance knowledge about chronic diseases in elderly populations.
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of educational presentations to enhance knowledge about dental caries in older adults.
Methods: A descriptive and observational study was carried out in an educational presentation with a before and after design, with 365 individuals of 60 years old and over, in both sexes belonging to The Doctor´s office 19 of Mario Escalona Poly- Clinic in Habana del Este. They gave their consent to participate in the research, in the period from May 2017 to September 2018. For the collection of information, a closed questionnaire of 13 questions was applied, oral hygiene was measured with the O´Leary Index. Descriptive statistics were used and the percentage as a summary measure.
Results: The group from 60 to 74 years old was the majority with 62.3%, the female sex 51.9% and the average of scholarship level 44.4%. The level of knowledge about the causes and prevention of dental caries, before the presentation was regular in 62.3% and after that the category of good and excellent prevailed with 41.8% and 20.1% respectively.
Conclusions: The educational presentation was effective, it was possible to enhance knowledge about dental caries in older adults, which is why it constitutes a suitable resource to achieve the prevention and control of dental caries.
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