Hailey – Hailey disease: A case report



Hailey, Halley disease, chronic benign family pemphigus, genodermatoid, suprabasal acantholysis



Hailey – Hailey disease, is described for the first time in 1939 by Hailey brothers. It is a chronic autosomic dominant dermatitis that generally has a benign course. The diagnosis is clinical, biopsy should be performed to confirm it; if its chronicity, recurrence and limited therapeutics options are taken into considerations, it represents a challenge, because there is not any healing treatment. This information is presented with the objective to show the importance of the early diagnosis to improve the life quality of patients. A 72-year-old male white patient, with personal history of grade II essential hypertension, ischemic cardiopathy and diabetes mellitus type II, went to the consultation complaining of bothering, uncomfortable, fetid, pruritic and sometimes painful skin lesions. Its diagnosis and multidisciplinary follow-up treatment are important since early ages, these aspects allow to perform an adequate medical advice to the families.


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Author Biographies

Norberto Esqueff Díaz, Hospital Materno Infantil ¨Comandante Manuel Piti Fajardo¨. Güines. Mayabeque.

Especialista de I grado en Dermatología y en Medicina General Integral. Asistente. Hospital Materno Infantil ¨Comandante Manuel Piti Fajardo¨. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Mayabeque. Güines.

Javier Corzo del Toro, Policlinico Docente Luis Li Trigent.Güines. Mayabeque.

Especialista de I grado en Medicina General Integral. Aspirante Investigador Agregado. Policlínico Docente ¨Luis Li Trigent¨. Güines, Cuba. Correo electrónico: javierct@infomed.sld.cu


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How to Cite

Esqueff Díaz N, Corzo del Toro J. Hailey – Hailey disease: A case report. Medimay [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];29(4):651-7. Available from: https://medimay.sld.cu/index.php/rcmh/article/view/2106




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