Diabetes mellitus and other associated comorbidities as a poor prognostic factor in patients with COVID-19
COVID-19, SAR-CoV-2, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, obesity, cardiovascular diseasesAbstract
The current pandemic, generated by the new coronavirus called severe acute respiratory syndrome, coronavirus 2, causes the disease known as COVID-19, which can present severe forms with high mortality; patients with diabetes mellitus and associated comorbidities have a worse prognosis. A review of the existing literature was carried out in databases such as MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, LATINDEX, MEDIGRAPHY, MEDSCAPE, Science Direct Elsevier, PubMed and World Health Organization/Pan American Health Organization, bulletins as well as the INFOMED Portal, with the aim of evaluating some aspects related to the increase in mortality in this particular group. A total of 83 articles were reviewed, 24 were selected. Diabetes mellitus and related comorbidities constitute a poor prognosis in the evolution of patients with COVID-19.
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