Characterization of the sexual behavior of elderly adults in a health area



sexuality, elderly adult, senescent, aging, life quality


Introduction: Sexuality in elderly adults is a topic which has not been very widely studied, it is recognized as a main element in their quality life. 

Objective: To describe the characteristics of the sexual behavior of elderly adults. 

Methods:  A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out at the Family Doctor ´s Office # 18, from ¨Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima¨ Policlinic in Las Tunas, in February, 2020. The sample was formed by 30 elderly adults who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and manifested disposition of participating in the research. A questionnaire was applied and an interview was performed for obtaining the data. The Excel 2010 software was used to process the data.

 Results: The 80 % manifested to have sexual desire, it was highest in the 60-69 age group, the 73.3 % had active sexual relations, and from them, the 79 % were married. For the 80 % of the elderly adults, sexual relations were important for their quality life, the 6 % received information about sexuality by the basic health team and the 83.3 % would like to be informed.

Conclusions:  The sexual desire and practice are not finished with aging, it contradicts the myth that the elderly adult is an asexual being. Sexuality is important for elderly adults; they are interested on information; it is required to transform the actions related to the Health Basic Team. 


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Author Biographies

Lisvan Yassel Cala Rosabal, Policlínico Universitario Dr. ¨Gustavo Aldereguía Lima¨,Las Tunas.

Especialista en Medicina General Integral. Asistente. Policlínico Universitario Dr. ¨Gustavo Aldereguía Lima¨. Universidad de Ciencias Médica de Las Tunas.

Katia Peña Infante, Dr. ¨Gustavo Aldereguía Lima¨ ,Las Tunas.

Especialista en Medicina General Integral. Asistente. Policlínico Universitario Dr. ¨Gustavo Aldereguía Lima¨. Universidad de Ciencias Médica de Las Tunas.

Yarima Villanueva Batista, Policlínico Universitario ¨Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima¨.Tunas.

Licenciada en Enfermería. Instructor. Policlínico Universitario ¨Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima¨. Universidad de Ciencias Médica de Las Tunas.

Rosa María Cala Peña, Universidad de Ciencias Médica de Las Tunas.

Estudiante de Medicina. Alumna Ayudante de Medicina Interna. Universidad de Ciencias Médica de Las Tunas.


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How to Cite

Cala Rosabal LY, Peña Infante K, Villanueva Batista Y, Cala Peña RM. Characterization of the sexual behavior of elderly adults in a health area. Medimay [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];29(2):229-3. Available from:

