Use of the rustic rehabilitator of upper limbs in fragile elderlies



therapeutic intervention, rehabilitation, fragile elderly


Elderly adults care constitutes a priority for the Government and the Ministry of Public health in Cuba.
To strengthen the physical capacity through the use of the rustic rehabilitator of upper limbs in fragile elderlies.
A therapeutic intervention with a design of pre-posttest, was carried out in fragile elderlies of the Popular Council in Madruga from October, 2018 to February, 2019. The universe were 92 elderly adults, through a simple sampling at random 32 patients were selected. The intervention lasted 12 weeks, 36 sesions. Physical efficiency tests were performed, and a survey was applied to collect the information. The descriptive statistics was used and the results were expressed in absolute and relative frequencies.
After the intervention the maximum muscular strength increased in the 8.25 %, the category good in the time of maximum muscular isometric exertion, in the 84.37 %, time of maximum muscular exertion in the extension of the fingers, in the 96.87 %, the category normal in the time of execution of daily life activities in the 93.75% and rapid in the 6.25 %, the associated symptoms and signs diminished in a significant way, the movements limitation in the 12.5 % and inflammation in a l 9.37 %.
Recovering of physical capacity was evident, as well as the time of execution of daily life activities and the signs and symptoms of fragile elderlies improved


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Author Biographies

María de los Angeles González Ulloa, Policlínico Docente "Luis Li Trigent"

Especialista de I grado en Medicina General Integral. Policlínico Docente Luis Li Trigent. Güines.

Jesús Ruíz Alvarez, Dirección Municipal de Salud. Madruga.

Especialista en II grado en Medicina General Integral. Investigador Agregado. Profesor Auxiliar. Dirección Municipal de Salud. Madruga.

Mayelín Yedra Sánchez, Policlínico docente María Emilia Alfonso Orta.Madruga.

Especialista en I grado de Medicina General Integral. Asistente. Policlínico Docente ¨María Emilia Alfonso Orta¨. Madruga.

Iraldo Ruíz Alvarez, Dirección Municipal de Deporte.Madruga.

Licenciado en Cultura Física.Máster en Actividad Física en la Comunidad. Dirección Municipal de Deporte. Madruga.


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How to Cite

González Ulloa M de los A, Ruíz Alvarez J, Yedra Sánchez M, Ruíz Alvarez I. Use of the rustic rehabilitator of upper limbs in fragile elderlies. Medimay [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 8 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];29(4):547-5. Available from:




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